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Narcan Opioid Overdose Treatment

Narcan Opioid Overdose Treatment

NARCAN® (naloxone HCI) – Nasal Spray

Narcan Distribution EMERALD STAR NETWORK Richard A Luthmann Sr., R.Ph

Emerald Star Network is proud to announce our Opioid Overdose Prevention Program. The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) has instituted, and Overdose Prevention Program (OPP) and it is designed to reduce opioid overdose deaths by having access to Narcan, an FDA approve Opioid antagonist. Narcan is indicated for the reversal of opioid overdose. Our organization has been selected to distribute Narcan Nasal Spray to persons in need of emergency medication. Who is eligible to receive Narcan will be explained.

In association with Dr John Tanner DO, Renowned psychiatrist with focus on Addictive and Behavioral health has authorized a Non-patient Specific Naloxone Standing Order for the medication. Also, with the cooperation of North Beaches Pharmacy who will help in distribution, Emerald Star Network can offer Narcan Nasal Spray at no charge. The Narcan Kit has a Quick Start Guide explaining the proper use in case of an opioid overdose. As a pharmacist, I am also available for additional education, training and to answer any other question that may arise. I will personally advise every person receiving a Narcan Kit to open the Quick Start Guide and read it thoroughly. Being prepared for an emergency where seconds matter saves lives.

The following people are authorized to receive free naloxone kits under the standing order:

  • People who use drugs, especially heroin, opioids, and fentanyl
  • People who have previously experienced a drug overdose
  • People entering, enrolled, or discharged from substance use disorder treatment. Including: Detox, inpatient, residential, outpatient and other abstinence -based programs or aftercare
  • People with prescriptions for opioid pain medications
  • Family members, friends or others who know someone at risk and may witness an opioid overdose
  • People who I as the pharmacist listed on the standing order in my professional judgement may be in a position likely to experience or witness an opioid overdose.

What does an overdose look like?

  • Person seems nonresponsive and will not wake up or respond to your voice or pats on the shoulder
  • Breathing is very slow, is irregular or has stopped
  • Pinpoint pupils

Important Safety Information:

Not all signs may be present upon finding the person. Narcan Nasal Spray should be used right away if you think signs or symptoms of an opioid emergency are present, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOTSURE. Propper use in emergency: Be sure to read the quick guide included in the Narcan Kit. Have the patient lay face up if possible and after administration turn the person on side in with hands under head. This is known as the Recovery Posture.

Key Steps to Administration:

  • PEEL- Peel back the package and remove the device. Hold the device with your
  • Thumb on the bottom of the plunger and 2 fingers on the nozzle.
  • PLACE – Place and hold the tip of the nozzle in either nostril until your fingers
  • Tough the bottom of the patient’s nose.
  • PRESS- Press the plunger firmly to release the dose into the patient’s nose.
  • CALL 911 and alert medical personnel when they arrive that Narcan has been administered.

If desired response is not obtained in 2 to 3 minutes or the patient relapses give an additional dose of Narcan Nasal Spray in the alternate nostril using a new device. It is important to know after administration of Narcan Nasal Spray can cause sudden opioid withdrawal symptoms. Emergency medicals attention is always necessary after administration of Narcan Nasal Spray.

The company that manufactures Narcan Nasal Spray has a website for further information. Visit Narcan.com

There website includes:

  • Instructions for Use video
  • How Narcan Nasal Spray works
  • Educational resources.

Other information and facts:

  • Narcan Nasal Spray works in the brain by knocking off and displacing the opioid molecule from the opioid receptors in the brain. This negates the harmful effects of the opioid.
  • Narcan Nasal Spray has of onset of action of 2 to 3 minutes with a duration of 30 To 90 minutes. Therefore, medical attention is mandatory. The Narcan Nasal Spray can be cleared by the body and remaining opioid medication is still in the body and can cause harm.
  • Do not “prime” the Narcan Nasal spray pump. Use directly into nostril.
  • When a person stops breathing from an opioid overdose, their chest becomes rigid. This is known as Wooden Chest Syndrome. Use a sternal rub to determine responsiveness. The chest will rise if the patient is responding to the medication
  • Narcan Nasal Spray is a medication that holds its potency for many years, even well beyond the expiration date on the package.
  • Narcan should be stored at room temperature. The potency is not altered up to 107°F. The Narcan Kit can be safely stored in the glove compartment of a car or truck.

Emerald Star Network is proud of becoming part of the solution in combating Opioid overdoses by being on the front line distributing Narcan Nasal Spray to people of need and those who may experience an opioid overdose.

Richard A. Luthmann Sr., R.Ph.  “Rich” Founder

I have been a pharmacist for forty-six years. Owner & operator of a neighborhood pharmacy for many years, worked in multiple other types of pharmacies, chains, small retail, sterile compounding and recently administered over six thousand Covid-19 vaccinations.

To help people in need I have founded Emerald Star Network and it is my hope that people do not suffer in silence and live in despair following the death of a loved one. You are not alone; we also are finding solace after the tragedy of substance abuse. There are two loved ones my family has lost to the tragedy of substance abuse. My daughter-in-law Donna 23 and step-son Gregory 41. They each have left a young child without a parent.

My life has not been free of discourse. On July 31, 1994, I overdosed on multiple drugs and was pronounced clinically dead on the way to the hospital. I was amazingly revived and had a profound experience that reshaped my life. An Emerald Star Survivor is what I consider myself. I have been in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse for many years and it is a miracle that I am alive.

I personally invite you on this journey and We Welcome You.

NARCAN® Nasal Spray

narcan opioid overdose treatment

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Richard A. Luthmann Sr., R.Ph. “Rich” Founder